QRF-mode Must use circular motion? Or not necessary

AWe recommend to use slow circular motion, but it is not necessary.

QIs it suitable for Eczema skin to use?

AIt is better to consult a professional dermatologist first.

QCan we don’t use RF facial gel, just use own eye cream or eye serum to massage with RF mode?

ARF facial gel has special formula and can not be replaced by eye cream or eye serum.

QHow many minutes per treatment? (For eyes area)

A5 minutes for each eye area. The RF function head will be automatically shut down. But the negative ion function head will not auto-stop.We recommend using RE-100 2-3 times a week.

QCan we apply RF-Gel at our eyes area?

AYes, but RF function can not use in upper eyelid, only in lower eyelid and other eye frame area.

QRF mode for eyes area can be use every day?

ANo, we don't recommend to use it everyday. 2~3 times a week is appropriate.

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